Happy Holidays!
Dear Friends and Family!
In just a few days, we will have made it around the sun again, with 2024 coming to an end and Paint Pony Haven beginning the next journey in our 6th year as an official non-profit horse rescue and sanctuary. We are truly blessed to be able to continue this endeavor, even when tears and joy are so close together.
Our hearts broke many times over the course of the last 12 months. First, we lost Jasper due to an accident when he broke his front leg. There was nothing we could do for him, and it was a complete shock as he was fairly young.
Soon after, we lost our sweet Belgian Mare Teeny. Her tendons in her back legs were deteriorating and it came to a point that standing up was just painful, and she told us it was time to go. We are so thankful that we were able to give her almost two years of the retirement she deserved, after working the fields all her life.
Just a few months later we also had to say goodbye to our old and very much loved friend Max. We suspected that Max had cancer for quite a few years and he also told us that it was time for him to go. He had seven years in a wonderful retirement with us and was well over 30 years old.
On top of losing three horses, we had to endure the pain of having to say farewell to our dogs Beau and Blue.
Despite all the tears, a lot of joy also came our way. We welcomed 3 new horses: Annie, a beautiful Appaloosa mare; Thor, a Shire that stands well over 18 hands and is a pure gentleman; and Spirit, a tiny Mustang with lots of attitude. A new cat named Elvis found his way to us as well.
Another miracle we want to share with all is the new connection we have made with humans. We wanted to reach out to Veterans on Veteran’s Day and we had a fantastic turnout. What is amazing to us is how horses previously played a role in many of their lives and how they wanted to re-connect. For those of us who have always been able to support our families, hold a job and live what society considers a normal life, we should be extremely grateful, as many out there are not granted that experience. The opening of our doors to Veterans confirms the healing power that horses have for those that love them. We are very fortunate to have a number of Vets who want to keep coming out to support us and re-connect with these horses.
With this letter, we want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who supports us and keeps the wheels turning!
We want to thank our veterinarians:
Dr. Jason Thornsberry and his staff Cindy and Ray at J&J Oakdale large animal clinic who are always there for us!
Dr. Hilary Setlak, Dr. Jessica Bain and Dr. Jason Van Lente from Beadle Lake Veterinary Clinic and their staff who have helped us so many times this year with emergency calls! It's such a relief to know you guys are always there for us as well!
We also want to thank our hay suppliers who make sure those tummies stay full:
Linda and Dan Brunner from Huntington Farm!
Steve andRobin Halstead!
Chris Hanson from Lou Don Farm! Thank you all so much for the hard work you do and supplying us with quality hay ensuring our horses stay healthy!
We also want to thank our farrier Henry Bender who is very knowledgeable in hoof care and makes sure our horses stay sound!
Thank you to our new volunteers Matthew, Skip, Terri, Randy and Virat who started helping out regularly since November when our new program for Veterans started!
Last, but not least, we want to thank all of our donors, friends and family who support us!
We couldn't do it without all of you!!!
"But personally, I want to thank my husband Corky. Thank you for
supporting my childhood dream and I love you!"
We wish all of you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Stay tuned...
Much love from all of us here at Paint Pony Haven to you!
...at PaintPonyHaven is to give horses a second chance at life when they have been neglected, abandoned, abused, sorted out because of age or behavior or surrendered.
We also save horses from slaughter.
We try our best at our horse rescue and sanctuary to regain the trust of horses towards humans.
Through intensive training we work very hard to get them ready for their "FOREVERHOME".
Each horse gets individual care and training tailored to their specific needs.
All of our horses are monitored closely by our vet and get all the medical attention they need.
We don't cut corners ... we are in all the WAY!
Every Dollar helps us!
Every penny donated to us goes directly to the horses.
We buy grains, hay, straw, supplements and also pay ferrier and vet expenses.
We do not use any money for salaries or political purposes.
We don't use donations for any other expenses on the farm.
Thank you for your kindness!!!
We also take checks, cash and money orders which can be mailed to:
22520 Capital Ave. NE
Battle Creek, MI 49017
Would you love to have your own horse but circumstances don't allow it?
You can help save horses from slaughter by becoming a sponsor at our horse rescue and sanctuary. Come love on your horse and brush him or her . (Sponsorship is $20 / per visit for 1hour)
Visiting is only available with appointments. If appointments have to be cancelled we will reschedule a new one with you.
For the safety of our horses we do not allow Sponsors to ride the horses. We will also provide treats.