This update is a little heartbreaking. Tenny had another cystoscopy done on June 17, 2022.
Unfortunately it showed that the inflammation in her bladder got worse again after stopping the medication. So at this point we are sure she's got cancer. Even though we managed to put quite a bit of weight on her, she started losing it again. At this point all we can do is try to keep her comfortable as long as possible. I started her back up on banamine to keep the inflammation down but it's not going to help forever. Because of her situation Teeny can stay with us for the rest of her life, however long that might be and give her much love.
Otherwise she's a happy girl. She loves her little herd of Bella, Rosie and Stella.
Her vet bill from June 17 was $320. Any small donation towards this cost is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Teeny saw the vet on 04/29/2022
Dr. Johnson did another cystoscopy on her bladder and it looked somewhat better. Some of the inflammation is gone, other spots look like they are trying to heal but there are still parts that are inflamed. So for now we are going to continue the treatment with SMZ'S, Banamine and UlcerGard for four more weeks and then check her again. There is still hope we might get this under control but we still have to be realistic about the fact that we might just be able to give her a few good months.
Teeny also got a dental float. She's definitely never seen a dentist. She also got the rest of her vaccines.
Even though we don't know the outcome for her, she still deserves to feel her best in every possible way and be protected from diseases.
Dr. Johnson said she looked a lot better and agreed that she gained some weight.
Otherwise this lovely girl seems to be pretty happy here. She enjoys being out in the pasture and just being loved on.
Teeny's vet bill was $749.50. Please consider a small donation towards her cost. Thank you and God bless!
I am very excited about this update because there might be hope to help Teeny after all!
Yesterday I received a text from my vet telling me that he did some more research and also spoke with a specialist from MSU. There is a newly described condition called IHC affecting mostly middle age - old horses. The findings actually correlate pretty closely with Teeny's clinical, ultrasound, cystoscopic, and bloodwork findings. This condition has been found to carry a good prognosis and resolved with NSAIDs and antibiotics.
Since I already started treatment with Ulcer Gard and Banamine to control her pain and keep her comfortable, I added the SMZ's yesterday evening. I am very happy about the possibility that we have a chance now to cure Teeny so she can enjoy many more years to come and live a good life after working hard as an Amish horse. She truly deserves this!
Treatment however isn't going to be cheap but it's worth a shot even if there is no guarantee it will work. Teeny is going to need at least:
12 tubes of Ulcer Gard: $500
depending on how much Banamine I need to control her pain/ 2-4 bottles: 1 bottle costs $42
2 Bottles SMZ: 1 bottle costs: $63
(This is calculated on a 3 week treatment)
Teeny's vet bill from Sunday was: $912.50
We really hope this is going to work for her! Any donations, no matter if small or big, are greatly appreciated! Even $5 or $10 can go a long way! Please also keep this mare in your prayers.
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